Thursday, March 10, 2011

To write or not to write...?

     There was a girl who lingered in her coursework for a major she's beginning to regret deciding on. She studies hard and learns a lot but she realizes she's become confused about her career path. I'm sure this happens to many college students and even college graduates. What's a girl to do? Switch it up...change majors? She could do that...but what if her true passion isn't necessarily economically sound?

     Writing has always been my passion. I remember when I was ten or eleven I would write short stories and a family friend, who happened to be an English professor would read them, edit them for grammar and structure, and then return them to me to revise. Though it may have seemed boring to other kids, I delighted in it. Writing, creating something in my imagination, putting it on paper, and having someone else enjoy it made me incredibly happy.

     Though I've grown up, I still revel in writing. Just now I must work and pay bills. I need to be mindful of what major will eventually make me money in the job market, especially now with this recession. Writers, at least the majority of them aren't rollin' in the Benjamin’s. Most self-employed writers are struggling financially while they eat Ramen Noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
     I mean, I guess I could be an English major and if I don't succeed as a novelist...I could always teach High School, SHIT.

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