When I go shopping I tend to purchase skincare items more often than anything else. Starting when I was a pre-teen up until now I’ve always had this immense fixation with my skin. If a pimple reared its ugly red head, I was in the bathroom mirror piling on homemade skincare concoctions my mother taught me. I’ve put everything on my face, including but not limited to raw eggs, mayonnaise, beer, sour milk, spinach, banana’s, lemons, and honey. I think I would’ve put bird poop on my face if someone told me it would tighten my pores or give me that oh-so-desired glow.
Now that I’ve grown up I get my skincare advice from my dermatologist. She prescribed me Retin-A, though she seemed hesitant to do so, insisting that I didn’t have acne and/or wrinkles, which is what the cream normally treats. She was confused, really, why I was even there. She found no defects in my skin and of course she didn’t. I’m an official OCD case when it comes to my need to have “perfect” skin. I wanted the Retin-A not to get rid of acne or fine lines, but to keep those pesky complexion killers at bay. My mom always told me that if I wanted to have nice skin for a long time I needed to start anti-aging early on. I started at twelve.
Retin-A does wonders for my complexion, not only does it eliminate the development of pimples but it minimizes the pores on my cheeks and nose, and gives my skin a smooth even tone and texture. No wonder dermatologists call it “the miracle cream”. Also, the longer you use it the more benefits you will reap. According to studies of women who started using it in their twenties on into their fifties, sixties and seventies, without discontinuation, had little to no wrinkles! Retin-A has the ability to rapidly produce collagen, a primary variable of skin renewal. What happens is, the cream exfoliates and builds collagen at the same time, making new skin clear, plump and pristine.
Retin-A is only available with a prescription and since most insurance companies don’t cover it, it can be very expensive. However, if you're looking for a product to keep you looking young and radiant, the cost is worth it. Retin-A is the best thing on the market for acne and/or wrinkles but Philosophy Brand offers an alternative skin treatment called “Help Me”. It is a Retinol but its strength and effectiveness is not as strong as Retin-A.
Philosophy has very impressive skincare products.
oh yes, I love Philosophy!